
Some people do not even realize that they are living with trauma, and that is totally ok! Often, many have no idea that they are trying to survive, rather than thrive because we are so used to going about our daily lives the best we know how to do.

·      Do you think you might be struggling with trauma but aren’t sure?

·      Do you feel sad, anxious, hopeless, and struggle with connection to others?

·      Do you ever feel like it’s difficult to trust others because of past relationship wounds?

·      Do you struggle to trust yourself?


Trauma comes in all shapes and sizes and is not limited to PTSD. Many forms of trauma can take years to detect and diagnose. You might even find yourself living in a state of emotional numbness, as if you’ve built a protective wall between you and your feelings. 


When you are dealing with trauma you might be experiencing some of the following symptoms:

·      Panic attacks

·      Stomachaches

·      Insomnia

·      Lethargy

·      Intrusive thoughts, feelings, or images

·      Constant anxiety


Perhaps you struggle with low self-worth—you’re overwhelmed by feelings of guilt and shame which make it seem like you’re not good enough. If your trauma stems from early relationships, you may find it hard to trust other people, pushing them away without even trying to. Maybe you’re overly anxious or suspicious about the state of others. 


Trauma impacts both the mind and the body and living with trauma is brutal. In our work, we can identify many ways that healing can take place, including mindfulness, EMDR, hypnotherapy, therapeutic relationship building, and many more. You will be apart of creating your treatment plan to heal.


Ultimately, I want to help you become present with the parts of yourself that have experienced trauma without dissociating or feeling overwhelmed.