What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnosis, or hypnotherapy is the ability to go into a “trance” state, or a state of deep relaxation while I make suggestions that your subconscious picks up on in order to create change. The research shows that when you are relaxed the subconscious is more likely to take in new ideas, concepts, and creativity. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis meaning that I teach you how to practice the skill and with practice you can do it all on your own!

Hypnotherapy is a state of deep relaxation. You actually are totally in control the entire time. Think of it like this: you are in that comfortable space that you feel right before you fall asleep. You can recognize how supported you feel by the bed beneath you, how soft your eyelids are, how the temperature in the room feels perfect enough for you to fall asleep. Except in hypnosis, you most likely will not fall asleep. In some cases, people do fall asleep, and I gently wake them up. In hypnotherapy, I will be your tour guide to help you get to this state of relaxation. I have worked with MANY trauma survivors and sometimes that deep state of relaxation can be uncomfortable, but that is what I am here for.

Hypnotherapy can be excellent for:

  • Irritable bowel syndrome

  • Incontinence or bed wetting

  • Quitting smoking

  • Creating behavior change

  • Feeling comfortable in your body and skin

  • Side effects of a physical illness

  • Pain management

….and much more!

If you are wondering if this treatment could be effective for you, email me today!

How much does it cost?

During our 60 minute intake consultation, we will decide together if hypnotherapy will be helpful for you. During our initial session we will discuss what it is you are looking to work on and build a treatment plan. Many of my clients are able to resolve their issues within six sessions.


50 minute session - $150

90 minute session- $200