Perinatal & Reproductive Mental Health

Being a parent or the idea of becoming a parent isn’t what everyone makes it seem. This new body that doesn’t work the way it used to, the constant worrying about meeting new-parent expectations, or feeling overwhelmed all of the time is exhausting! You may have endured a stressful birth experience and it didn’t go the way you had planned or expected.

Maybe you have been trying to conceive and are having a difficult time navigating this. Or perhaps past miscarriages are causing distress and make it hard to try again.

I am glad you’re here…

If you are trying to conceive, have had a recent loss, or you are a new or expectant parent experiencing fear, rage, sadness, panic, worry, or disconnection, I can support you to reduce your distress and feel less overwhelmed.Whether you are about to become a first time parent or maybe you experienced a traumatic birth previously, I am glad you are here. You might even have a village of support around you, but something feels “off”. Or maybe you find yourself experiencing obsessive thoughts about you, your baby, or something else and these thoughts feel intrusive and overwhelming.

You are absolutely not alone and you do not have to travel this road alone!

Nearly 10% of women experience a perinatal anxiety or mood disorder. This number may be even higher, but due to the stigma around mental health for many decades, the research is still catching up. We will work collaboratively to help you feel better and increase your confidence in your ability to cope effectively.


I work with adults struggling with:

  • Anxiety and/or depression in pregnancy

  • Trauma and PTSD

  • Adjusting to existing in this new body

  • Postpartum depression and/or anxiety

  • Postpartum mood swings

  • Feeling overwhelmed

  • Grief and loss related to miscarriage

  • Infertility

  • Postpartum isolation and lack of support

  • Maternal adjustment issues

  • Conflict with partners

  • Sleep issues

  • Scary thoughts related to your infant


Please know that you do not have to endure the pain alone. We need community and support to heal and be the best caretakers we can be!